With Good Intentions

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Besom - Witches - Pagan Broomstick

Practices and Rituals

 Jumping over the Broomstick: At a hand-fasting wedding ceremony, the joining couple jump over a besom.Jumping over the broomstick became a symbolic act of commitment and unity. Over time, the practice evolved to symbolise fertility, abundance, love, respect, and the crossing thresholds into a new phase of life together. The hand-fast broomstick adds a touch of tradition and symbolism to the wedding, making it a memorable and cherished part of the celebration.

 Protection: In many traditions the besom metaphysically used to cleanse and purify the home. Many believe placing a besom above your front door will protect your home against any outside negative energy.

 Cleansing - Clearing Space – Purification: The besom is not used for physical sweeping, it’s used symbolically in a sweeping motion to clear away stagnant energies, purifying a space before rituals, including clearing away energetic obstacles from one's path.

 Wiccan Alter Tool: A Besom is a ceremonial tool to have at your Wiccan Alter. Use a sweeping motion in the air to clear, protect your sacred space from negative energy and psychic dirt. It can serve as a representation of the element of air, one of the four classical elements, in spell work and rituals. 

How to Activate your Besom

Activating your besom with your intention and energy involves infusing it with your personal energy and purpose. Here's a simple step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Cleansing: Before activating your besom, it's essential to cleanse it of any residual energies. You can do this by passing the besom through smoke from incense or sage.

Setting Intentions: Take a moment to meditate or reflect on your intentions for the besom. What do you want it to represent or assist you with? Whether it's for spiritual purposes, protection, or cleansing, be clear about your goals.

Grounding and Centering: Ground yourself by taking deep breaths and connecting with the Earth's energy. Feel yourself becoming rooted and centered.

Channeling Energy: Hold the besom in your hands and visualize your intentions flowing from your heart and hands into the broomstick. Imagine a bright and powerful energy surrounding and filling the besom.

Chanting or Affirmations: You can use chants or affirmations that resonate with your intentions as you infuse the besom with energy. Repeat them out loud or silently as you focus your energy on the broomstick.

Personalisation: If you wish, you can further personalize your besom by adding symbols, charms, or decorations that align with your intentions.

Charging: Leave the besom in a place where it can absorb natural energy, like sunlight or moonlight, for a few hours or overnight. This charging process will further amplify the energy you've infused.

Thanking the Elements: Acknowledge the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) and any deities or spirits you may work with in your practice. Express gratitude for their assistance in empowering the besom.

Store with Care: Once your besom is activated, store it in a safe and respectful manner, treating it as a sacred tool.