With Good Intentions

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How to use a SAGE Nugget

How to use a SAGE NUGGET – (Smudging Sage ORB) - click into Video

  • Find the time when you will not be disturbed (allow for approx. 15-30 minutes)

  •  With a candle or a lighter, carefully hold the herb ball (with tongs) over the flame and allow for the herbs to smoulder.  Carefully place your herb ball into a fireproof  bowl (lined with Aluminium foil).

  •  Blowing gently into the smouldering centre will increase the burning process and produces more smoke. (Optional) herb ball can also be placed onto a lit Charcoal Briquette.

  • Continue to hold the smudge ball over the fireproof container at all times in order to avoid any lit herbs falling on the floor. You can use a large feather (optional), if you have one, but usually just gently waving your hands to disperse the smoke is enough.

  • Continue to produce more smoke by gently blowing on the smouldering herbs. Stay connected to your thoughts and your breathing throughout your smudging.

  • Smudge yourself first by carefully moving the bowl in a circular/spiral motion, starting at your feet, leading up towards the top of your head and around the sides of your body.

  • Usually starting at the front door, however it is your choice if you wish to start at the back door, ground floor or garage.

  • It’s also your choice to go either clockwise or counter clockwise around your space. Gently wave the smoke into the air.

  • Spend a bit more time smudging the room corners, as they tend to accumulate stagnant energy. Be sure to also open the closet doors, under beds (if accessible) and carefully smudge inside and underneath.

  • Do not forget about spaces such as the laundry, bathrooms, garages & objects such as: Vehicles, Oracle Cards, crystals, ceremonial tools or any object that is sacred to you.

  • When you have smudged all areas of your space, come back to where you started. Hold thoughts of gratitude and allow for the herb ball to burn out completely. Or safely extinguish it out by wrapping a small sheet of aluminium foil over the bowl and ball.

  • Discard the cold ashes into your garden soil


We recommend before smudging opening windows and doors to allow for the smoke to be released.

After the smudging ceremony it‘s common for your home/space to have a smoky aroma for up to 2 days , its’ also common to have a smoky scent present in your hair, skin & clothes.

Cleanse yourself by having a shower or bath. Wash your clothes in with your normal wash load.

Never leave a burning smudge stick, Smudging Orb  or candle unattended.

Avoid use when pregnant

We support the notion of taking responsibility for one's own well being and thus strive to make all herbs available for use at your own discretion.

We strive to make all herbs available for use at your own discretion.