With GOOD Intentions


Our ritual smudge wands are created to support you with:

Clearing Space

Shifting Stagnant Energy

Introspection Processes

Inner Self Discovery - Personal Growth

Grieving - Emotional Self healing

Gratitude - Abundance mindset

Shadow work

Releasing emotional baggage

Setting Intentions

Manifesting Positive mindset

Meditation & Mantras.

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Meet the founder

Maria Moro , skilled artisan behind “With Good Intentions" Smoke Wands and Shamanic Feather wands , she is a passionate creator with a deep connection to her craft.

Drawing inspiration from her own spiritual journey, Maria infuses each wand with her positive energy, mindfulness, and intention.

Her careful selection of natural materials, combined with her intricate handiwork, results in smudge & feather wands that are not just products, but genuine works of art.