Yoni Steam Guide

With GOOD Intentions “Divine Sacred Space” YONI Steam (Vagina Steam) botanicals are carefully selected Aromatic herbs, botanicals and spices for the following intentions;

  • Clearing, restoring and activating chakras (Root/Base - Sacral - Solar plexus - Heart - Throat - third Eye).

  • Emotional healing, Forgiveness, Grieving & Letting go of memories relating to trauma ie: Sexual abuse/rape/, physical injury /illness /surgery to the vagina (externally & Internally) , Child birth, Fertility issues (IVF procedures), painful Menstrual cycles or endometriosis. (Root + Sacral + Solar Plexus).

  • Staying grounding and Feeling safe - (root chakra).

  • Inspiring Creativity - Trusting your gut feeling - Intuition (Sacral + solar plexus and third Eye).

  • Awakening Sexual Energy and feeling empowered - (Sacral + Solar Plexus).

  • Feeling deep profound Self Love and Self worth - (to Love & to be Loved) - (heart Chakra).

  • Setting Healthy Boundaries & speaking your truth. (Throat Chakra)

  • The yoni steam is a wonderful way to connect to yourself and give yourself the love you deserve.  

  • It is a great way to feel good about your body and connect with your sensual and creative energy.

 Our Commitment to Holistic Healing and the Divine Feminine 

We are passionate about sourcing high-quality ingredients that aid (biologically assigned women) in their journey towards holistic healing, encompassing physical and spiritual aspects.

Sacred Tradition: Yoni steaming is a time-honoured tradition that connects women to their bodies and the divine feminine within. By carefully sourcing our botanicals, we are preserving the sacredness of this practice, ensuring that every woman who embarks on this journey can do so with the utmost reverence and respect. 

Physical Well-being: Our commitment to sourcing the highest quality ingredients is rooted in the belief that women deserve the best when it comes to their health. The botanicals we select are chosen for their specific properties believed to promote physical well-being, such as relieving menstrual discomfort, supporting reproductive health, and enhancing overall vitality. 

Emotional and Spiritual Nourishment: We recognise that healing is not limited to the physical realm. Yoni steaming is a deeply personal and transformative experience that allows women to turn inward, reconnect with themselves, and find emotional and spiritual nourishment. Our carefully chosen botanicals play a crucial role in facilitating this connection, enabling a profound sense of self-discovery and empowerment.

Quality and Safety: We take pride in our rigorous sourcing process, which ensures that the botanicals are of the highest quality . Our dedication to quality and safety guarantees that women can embrace this practice with confidence, knowing that they are using products that prioritise their well-being.

In essence, our product’s emphasis on carefully sourced yoni steam botanicals is a reflection of our dedication to the holistic well-being of women. We believe that this journey inward, rooted in a deep connection to the divine feminine, is a powerful path to healing physically and spiritually. By choosing the best botanicals available, we aim to provide women with the tools they need to embark on this transformative journey confidently and authentically.

If you have any more questions or would like additional information, please feel free to reach out to us at withgoodintentionsau@gmail.com

We are honoured to be a part of your path to holistic healing and spiritual discovery. 

  • This product is specifically made for biologically assigned Females. -  A person with XX chromosomes usually has female sex and reproductive organs, and is therefore usually assigned biologically female.

Yoni STEAM guide

  • Before you start, be very clear on your intention, what does your “Divine Sacred Space” need or do you want to steam to try something new?

  • You need only ½ -1 cup of Herbs· 

  • Fill a Saucepan with (approx 1-1.5 litres) of filtered water & add your herbs to the water. If you don’t have filtered water handy, then boiled tap water will also be fine.

  • Pour your loose herbs or herb pouch into the water and gently boil together for about 15-20 minutes. Keep the lid on ,let it steep and cool down for about 5 minutes before adding to your bowl.

  • Place the back of your forearm over the herb infused water to ensure the comfort of the steaming temperature. You don’t want to burn the outer tissue of your (Vulva).

  • Place a large round (heat proof ceramic, stainless steel or clay) bowl inside the (clean) toilet bowl and carefully pour the herbs and water into the bowl.

  • Otherwise you may place your bowl securely on the floor, with your legs apart and kneel squat over the bowl.

  • Switch off your phone & make time so you’re not disturbed during your steaming session. Put on some relaxing music, light some candles for you to get into a relaxed state of mind.

  • Change into a large bath robe or wrap yourself in large bath/bed sheet to ensure the steam is not being let out.

  • Remove your underwear before sitting on the toilet. Open your legs to allow the steam to rise up into your perineal region. The steam temperature should be very warm but please take caution to not burn yourself.

  • Hydrate yourself by having tea or water and meditate on your intention.

  • Steam for approx. 20-30 minutes

  • Once steam is complete, you may want to go lie down and wrap yourself under a blanket to restore your body

  • Continue to drink plenty of water and go about your day with your body feeling relaxed.

 Get up close and personal with your Yoni Steam.

  • A yoni steam works by applying gentle steam heat , as well as moisture to the exterior tissues of the vulva

  • You may wish to excise your pelvic floor muscles while steaming.

  • A yoni steam can be a very relaxing and sensual experience.

  • The warmth and moisture can assist with the circulation of blood flow to the vaginal walls causing it to engorge (Swell).

  • You may experience the swelling in your vagina to be very sensual and pleasurable.

  • Don’t hold back your emotions,  if the steaming makes you feel sexually aroused .. .. just go for it and self pleasure.. do what pleases you.

  • Masturbating and reaching orgasm triggers the brain to release a flood of internal chemicals like dopamine, endorphins, prolactin and serotonin.

  • Dopamine gives you the “Happy Feeling” - Endorphins is a natural “Pain Reliever” - Proloctin and Serotonin gives you  the “Relaxed & Satisfied Feeling”

  • To heighten sexual pleasure, consider a yoni steam 1-3 hours before intimacy with your partner.

A yoni steam throughout history is believed to have other benefits;

  • Significantly reduce pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.

  • Decrease heavy menstrual flow as well as reduce dark purple clots, or brown blood at the onset or end of menses.

  • Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles.

  • Increase fertility

  • Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after birth.

  • Treat uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse and endometriosis.

  • Assist with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar.

  • Assist with the healing of haemorrhoids.

  • Prevent chronic vaginal/yeast infections, and works to maintain healthy odour.

  • Relieve symptoms of menopause including dryness or discomfort during intercourse.

  • Detoxify the womb and remove toxins from the body.

  • Exercise and strengthen pelvic floor muscles.

Precautions and Safety

  • If you have genital piercings – please remove the piercing before steaming.

  • Do not steam if you’re pregnant or if you suspect you’re pregnant.

  • If you have an IUD (Mirena), consult with your doctor before using this product.

  • Do not steam if you are menstruating

  • Do not steam if you have yeast or any other vaginal/colon infection.

  • Stop steaming if you feel over heated, burning pain, light headed or feeling faint.

  • We support the notion of taking responsibility for one’s own well being and we strive to make all herbs available for use at your own discretion.

  • This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.

  • If you have a health concern or condition, consult a physician. Always consult a medical doctor before using this product. 

  • This product is not recommended for fertile men. Overheating the testicles may increase the risk of a low sperm count.

Storing your Yoni Botanicals

  • Prior to steaming , the sealed pouch should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from light and heat.

  • When you’re ready for steaming, carefully tear off or snip the top sealed section and gently pull open the pouch. Use a dry spoon or a pair of tongs to scoop out the desired amount of botanicals. With dry hands, tightly seal up the zip lock pouch and store the remaining botanicals in the fridge or freezer until you’re ready to steam again.

  • After opening the pouch, for maximum freshness, store the remaining dried botanicals in the fridge for up to 3 months or in the freezer for up to 1 year. The botanicals must be completely dry or they may attract mold when stored incorrectly.

  • Do not use for steaming past expiry date. Otherwise expired botanicals may be repurposed as yoni smudging herbs

    Use a charcoal incense block to burn your yoni botanicals. Click into video links “how to use Charcoal” & “how to smudge with loose botanicals”

  • Do not steam with moldy botanicals. (discard all wet/moldy botanicals into a compost area or flush them down the toilet)

  • Do not repack wet recycled botanicals back into the pouch . (This is not hygienic and not recommended )

    YONI MASSAGE click here

    How to use a YONI EGG click here


How to use your YONI Egg


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